There was a point in my life where my habits took a turn for the worse. I somehow got majorly off track with my lifestyle. I was snacking late at night and probably having more than an average amount of drinks in a week. I could have been making healthier meals too. But for some reason I just wasn’t. I wasn’t as disciplined as I should be with my exercise routine either.
It didn’t really hit me until I stepped on the scale at my doctor’s office. My blood pressure was slightly high, and my blood work showed that I had high cholesterol and triglycerides. None of this was good news. I was finally seeing how much I had been neglecting my health.
I knew that all of these things were increased risk factors for a stroke or heart attack. We always think it won’t happen to us, but unfortunately that is not the case, and we really should be proactive about preventing these things.
I decided that preparing my food for the week would keep me less likely to fall off track. I researched some online blogs about heart health, and some tips to make it easier to stick to a healthier lifestyle. I had assumed it would be a major hassle, albeit one that was well worth it. As it turns out, that was not the case whatsoever. There was an easier way to make this work.
The answer to my dilemma was using a food processor. I called my parents and asked them for advice since I knew that they had used a food processor pretty often. They recommended a Cuisinart food processor, and even offered me theirs. It needed a few replacement parts, but nothing that I couldn’t find online on the KitchenWorksInc website. They sell authentic Cuisinart-dfp-14 parts. I needed a new chopping blade, a dough blade and a new work bowl.
When the parts came, I was ready to get to work. I was more excited than I like to admit about getting started with my new food prep ritual. Subconsciously it was probably because I knew I was taking control of my health.
The things I tried were better than I’d imagined they would be. Eating healthier wasn’t going to be a big of a drag as I thought it would. This made me feel like my lifestyle would be more sustainable instead of a miserable deprived existence.
I was due to go to my doctor for a three month follow up to check on these issues. I am happy to report that all of the issues went back to normal levels and my weight had dropped as well. With little effort thanks to my Cuisinart food processor and some changes, I was able to take my health back once and for all.