Large breast implants require specialized techniques and long-term support. To reduce the risk of complications and scarring, you should choose an experienced surgeon for your procedure. There are two basic approaches to breast implants surgery Miami: under the pectoralis muscle and beneath the breast tissue. This technique is less invasive, but it carries higher risks of chest trauma.

Post-operative instructions include following a strict recovery schedule. For the first week, you should avoid heavy lifting and activities that put pressure on the incisions. During the first week, it’s fine to do lower-body exercises, but avoid bending over or push-ups. After the first two weeks, you should start lifting your arms over your head, but only in a slow, gentle way.

Post-operative care also includes taking painkillers and antibiotics. You should avoid massaging your breasts as this could damage the implants. You should also avoid activities that increase your blood pressure. Wear a bra to prevent bleeding. A supportive bandage may help keep your dressing in place. Once you’re home, your plastic surgeon may want to remove your implants.

There are two basic types of implants: saline and silicone. Saline implants contain sterile salt water, while silicone implants contain silicone. Saline implants are inserted in the breasts empty, while silicone breast implants are filled once they’re in place. Silicone implants have a better fit with your breast tissue because they’re thicker than saline.

After breast implants surgery, you may need to visit a plastic surgeon periodically to make sure that they’re still in good health. You may need to undergo further surgery if your implant doesn’t look natural after a few months. Your surgeon will also remove the tissue expander and replace it with a permanent implant. This procedure takes about an hour and is usually followed by a few follow-up visits.

Another type of breast implants Miami surgery involves making an incision in your underarm. This is less obtrusive than a periareolar incision, but it allows for the fastest creation of the breast pocket. It also reduces the risk of capsular contracture. Regardless of your choice, you’ll likely enjoy your new look for many years to come.

After breast implants surgery, it’s important to get plenty of rest. You’ll want to schedule time off work and daily activities to recover fully. It is also important to hire someone to help you prepare your food and run errands. If you have children, you’ll also need someone to watch them during this time. During this time, you may have trouble sleeping on your stomach.

It is important to have a clear idea of your objectives before consulting with potential breast implant surgeons. Your surgeon will guide you through the process of selecting the implant size and type that will work best with your body. You need to make sure that you ask your plastic surgeon about the potential drawbacks and advantages of the operation before you go through with it. Make sure that you have a complete understanding of the potential hazards associated with breast implant surgery, including how the process will alter the structure of your body.